Gingivitis Treatment
It’s important to know that gingivitis is treatable and reversible. The key is to treat gingivitis promptly to help prevent it from progressing to a more serious issue. The following are some gingivitis treatments that can help you take control and help prevent or even reverse the condition:
Good oral hygiene
The first step to treating gingivitis is to practice good, daily oral hygiene. That includes a regimen of brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush for 2 minutes twice a day, and flossing at least once a day, to effectively clean your teeth and gum line.
Regular dental cleaning
Professional dental cleanings are a critical part of helping to prevent and treat gingivitis. A professional cleaning removes the plaque, tartar and bacteria on your teeth and above and below your gumline — much more effectively than you can on your own. Regular dentist visits also help in identifying the early stages of gum disease, since dentists and hygienists are trained to spot the signs and symptoms of gingivitis.
Gum-health toothpastes
When it comes to helping prevent or treat gingivitis, especially in its early stages, using a specialized toothpaste as part of your oral health routine can make a difference. Sensodyne Sensitivity & Gum is specifically formulated to relieve tooth sensitivity and improve gum health at the same time. It uses a formula that contains stannous fluoride, a chemical compound that builds a protective layer over the sensitive areas of your teeth, while targeting and removing plaque bacteria associated with gingivitis. This helps improve gum health and reduce swollen, bleeding gums.
Including these practices as part of your oral health routine can help treat gingivitis and get your gum health back into good shape. The key is to recognize the signs early so you can begin taking control of the condition.